다산동 영어학원 : 개세텍을 아시나요? (개인의 특기는 디테일한 기술)

다산동 영어학원, 다산참수학 영어학원!
가세텍을 아시나요? 개인별 세부 기술 전문의 줄임말입니다.

아래 영상을 보시면 조금 더 잘 이해하실 수 있을 것 같습니다!

아래 영상을 보시면 조금 더 잘 이해하실 수 있을 것 같습니다!

간단히 말해서 선생님은 각 과목의 세부 기술특성을 통해 수렴 활동을 반영할 수 있다.
그래서 학생들이 원하는 대로 모든 것을 쓸 수 있을까요?정답은 그렇게 생각하지 않습니다.
학교는 유연한 클래스 용량을 통해 학생 기록을 작성해야 합니다!
아래 경기도교육청이 설명하는 것이다!

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Please check the input language.The subject-centered project class management school is a method of operating subject-centered project classes related to the student’s career by converging the contents of the subjects at a separate time secured by flexible class volume in two or more subjects. In this case, since the results of student activities are not limited to one subject, they can be written separately in the detailed competency specialties of each individual in the school life record book, which can enrich academic competency or major suitability, which are the main evaluation factors of the school type.The school conducts subject convergence project classes after the exam period or at a cluttered time such as before vacation through flexible class volume. Among the subjects learned in the project class, students select convergence topics such as ‘confirmation’ + ‘social culture’ and prepare an inquiry report. In some cases, school teachers conduct it, or request an external specialized institution to conduct it. Today, & High School conducted a lecture on a convergence subject exploration report using reading as an external instructor.The school conducts subject convergence project classes after the exam period or at a cluttered time such as before vacation through flexible class volume. Among the subjects learned in the project class, students select convergence topics such as ‘confirmation’ + ‘social culture’ and prepare an inquiry report. In some cases, school teachers conduct it, or request an external specialized institution to conduct it. Today, & High School conducted a lecture on a convergence subject exploration report using reading as an external instructor.경기도 남양주시 도농로 29 부영프라자 602 603호 다산참수학 영어학원 예약경기도 남양주시 다산순환로 418 메인플라자 501호 다산참수학 영어관 2호 예약경기도 남양주시 다산순환로 418 메인플라자 501호 다산참수학 영어관 2호 예약경기도 남양주시 다산순환로 418 메인플라자 501호 다산참수학 영어관 2호 예약