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Considerations for selecting Jeongwang-dong implants - 한시

Considerations for selecting Jeongwang-dong implants

Considerations for selecting Jeongwang-dong implants

Natural teeth do not regenerate on their own, so it is important to take care of them steadily.If you take care of your oral health and have regular checkups, there will be no big problem, but it is rare to have a steady checkup.It should not be forgotten that you can face tooth loss at any time, even if you have various problems such as poor management and strong external shocks caused by aging and weak gums.

The biggest problem with losing teeth was aesthetics. In particular, the front teeth were the most exposed and appeared best when laughing or talking.When such teeth were lost, it was not good for appearance, and as a result, there were complaints that they themselves shrank and avoided hiding their mouths or laughing when talking. The second problem was the functional aspect.I had difficulty chewing food after my natural teeth fell off. I chewed and swallowed food slower than usual, so I used to swallow it without chewing properly.Therefore, there was a possibility that the digestive function would decrease. The digestive system became weak, so you couldn’t eat well, and there were times when you lacked nutrients.If you leave it as it is after the tooth has fallen out, there is a high possibility that the gum bone will disappear. In that case, it was recommended to visit the hospital and receive Jeongwang-dong implants as soon as possible because bone transplants were needed.Dentures and bridges often come to mind as ways to improve tooth loss.Dentures are made to fit the inside of the mouth and supported by the gums, but all teeth are artificially created, causing inconvenience.”If it was attached and detached, it was not firmly fixed, so there was a possibility that it would fall out in the middle of a meal.”It can take a long time to adapt because of the large foreign body sensation, and it can cause pain by damaging the gums.The bridge had to remove some of the usual parts by connecting them with natural teeth on both sides of the empty space.As expected, there were inconveniences in detailed care between teeth because the prosthesis was connected to the column of existing teeth.Jeongwang-dong implants are the most similar to natural teeth and aesthetically superior compared to the above two methods.The implant was able to help normal oral function by implanting artificial teeth in the alveolar bone.Since it is a method of planting on the gum bone, there is less risk of falling out compared to dentures, so I was able to use it stably. Not only that, it helped improve healthy teeth and jawbone function.However, there were some people who could not proceed with the implant. It was the presence or absence of an underlying disease.People with underlying diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure sometimes had difficulty implanting. If you have diabetes, your immune system decreases and the healing speed of the wound is slow, and in the case of high blood pressure, it can be difficult to stop bleeding.In this case, choosing a navigation implant was also a good way.Navigation implants used a computer system to accurately measure bone conditions and establish optimal locations and angles for implanting artificial teeth.Compared to existing implants, the error range can be reduced, so accuracy and stability were expected.It was evaluated as a second permanent tooth because of its similar biting power to natural teeth. I was able to expect an aesthetic effect because it also restores the beauty aspect.Since implants need to be used for a long time once they are operated on, it was necessary to be careful when choosing a dentist. In particular, it was safe to have equipment that could be examined more closely if you had an old age or underlying disease.Oral maxillofacial surgeons are stationed, and positive results were expected as Jeongwang-dong implants were carried out based on abundant clinical experience and know-how.In addition, I was able to check the progress carefully by continuously checking the prognosis through regular visits.In order to produce more satisfactory results, individual-specific treatment and sufficient consultation were provided to reduce concerns about excessive medical treatment.If you are suffering from psychological pain or functional problems due to tooth loss, choose a place that suits you.implant dental clinic Gojan 2-gil, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do 414th floor reservationimplant dental clinic Gojan 2-gil, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do 414th floor reservationimplant dental clinic Gojan 2-gil, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do 414th floor reservationPrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image